From Dependence To Self Reliance
- Publisher : Rupa Publications
- Author: Bimal Jalan
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- Rs.710
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"FROM DEPENDENCE TO SELF-RELIANCE: Mapping India’s Rise as a Global Superpower" is a thought-provoking and meticulously researched exploration of India's transformative journey from dependence on foreign aid and resources to becoming a self-reliant and influential global superpower. This compelling book provides a comprehensive analysis of India's economic, political, and social evolution, highlighting the key factors contributing to its ascent on the world stage. It provides valuable insights into the nation's evolution and offers a glimpse into the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead. "FROM DEPENDENCE TO SELF-RELIANCE: Explore the significant policy shifts and reforms that have been instrumental in India's journey, including economic liberalization, advancements in technology, and diplomatic endeavors.
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