Damru The Donkey
- Publisher : Rupa Publications
- Author: Delhi Press Patra Prakashan Private Ltd
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.310
Rs.281 Upto 9% off

Description :
The stories in Champak take place in Champakvan, a unique forest. Van signifies forest, and champa is an evergreen fragrant tree. Every page has a great adventure waiting to take kids on an exhilarating and wild ride. Everyone in this forest values friendship above all else and treats one another with decency, compassion, and respect. Anything that can go wrong, only does so when it involves Damru the Donkey. And with Damru, nothing is ever guaranteed to go right. His presence never creates a dull moment. He always interprets things according to what is stated rather than how they should be understood, making mistakes in even the simplest tasks. Life doesn't have to be taken so seriously all the time, so let's laugh when we recognise the Damru in ourselves.
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