Applied Mathematics MSBTE -K Scheme First Year Sem 2 Technical Publication
- Publisher : Technical Publication
- Author: Vitthal B. Shinde , Vinayak K. Nirmale
- Edition: 2024
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- Rs.395
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Description :
Applied Mathematics Diploma MSBTE -K Scheme First Year Sem 2 all Branches by Technical Publication base on as per MSBTE revised syllabus 'K' Scheme first year diploma course published by Technical Publication. These books are written as per the syllabus of Pune, Mumbai, Shivaji, Goa, North Maharashtra & Marathwada Universities & for Rest of India too by eminent and experienced authors in their subjects. Besides textbooks, these books are also used as reference books by academicians and researchers, because of the quality of contents.
Syllabus Applied Mathematics - (312301) Learning Scheme Credits Assessment Scheme Actual Contact Hrs./Week SLH NLH Paper DurationTheoryBased on LL & TLBased on SLTotal Marks CL TL LLPractical FA-THSA-THTotalFA-PRSA-PRSLA MaxMaxMaxMinMaxMinMaxMinMaxMin 31--423307010040------100 Sr. No.Theory Learning Outcomes(TLO's) aligned to CO's.Learning content mapped with Theory Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's. 1.TLO 1.1 Solve the given simple problem(s) based on rules of integration. TLO 1.2 Evaluate the given simple integral(s) using substitution method. TLO 1.3 Integrate given simple functions using the integration by parts. TLO 1.4 Solve the given simple integral by partial fractions.Unit - I Indefinite Integration 1.1 Simple Integration : Rules of integration and integration of standard functions. 1.2 Integration by substitution. 1.3 Integration by parts. 1.4 Integration by partial fractions. (only linear non repeated factors at denominator of proper fraction). (Chapter - 1) 2.TLO 2.1 Solve given examples based on definite Integration. TLO 2.2 Use properties of definite integration to solve given problems. Unit - II Definite Integration 2.1 Definite Integration : Definition, rules of definite integration with simple examples. 2.2 Properties of definite integral (without proof) and simple examples. (Chapters - 2, 3) 3.TLO 3.1 Find the order and degree of given differential equations. TLO 3.2 Form simple differential equation forgiven elementary engineering problems. TLO 3.3 Solve given differential equations using the methods of Variable separable and Exact Differential Equation (Introduce the concept of partial differential equation). TLO 3.4 Solve given Linear Differential Equation.Unit - III Differential Equation 3.1 Concept of Differential Equation. 3.2 Order, degree and formation of Differential equations. 3.3 Methods of solving differential equations : Vari
Tags: Applied Mathematics MSBTE -K Scheme First Year Sem 2 Technical Publication, Vitthal B. Shinde, Vinayak K. Nirmale, First year Sem 2 MSBTE