Arihant NCERT Exemplar Problems Solutions Science Class 7
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: Arihant Publication
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
Description :
1. ‘NCERT Exemplar Problems-Solutions’ series are prepared for classes 6 th to 12 th. 2. This comprehensive guide deals with class 7 th Science. 3. It is divided into 18 major chapters. 4. Provide detailed explanations for better understanding of objective and subjective problems. 5. It contains different types of questions of varying difficulty level. 6. Highly useful for school examinations and entrance examinations. 7. Problem provided help to build information recall, analytical thinking, problem-solving ability and more.
Get your hands on the latest edition of “NCERT EXEMPLAR PROBLEMS-SOLUTIONS: science”
which has been designed for class VII students to master the basic technique of problem-solving. This
book contains Explanatory & Accurate Solutions to all the questions given in the NCERT Exemplar
Mathematics book. Hints are also provided with detailed and authentic explanations of solutions to
efficiently learn concepts. Acquiring this book will be highly useful to score best in school examinations
and build foundation for entrance examinations. It offers:
1. An all-inclusive book of NCERT Exemplar Problem-Solution
2. Explanatory & accurate solutions to all questions
3. Hints are given with detailed and authentic explanations of solutions
4. A great tool to learn each concept of science in a complete manner
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