Arihant NCERT Solutions Accountancy for Class 12
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: Arihant Publication
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Around 19 boards across 14 states follow NCERT textbooks as chief teaching-learning resource. Thereby, these books become immensely significant study resource for school students in our country. Our NCERT Solutions Series aims to enhance the thinking and learning abilities of students by Explanatory Solutions. The questions have been grouped in sets of Test your understanding, Do it yourself and Chapter End exercises. Accountancy for class 12th covers the entire syllabus into 10 Chapters. Each chapter includes sequentially detailed solutions for complete mastery over various topic of NCERT. Table of ContentPart A-Nature and Significance of Management, Principles of Management, Business Environment, Planning, Organizing, staffing, Directing, Controlling Part B- Financial Management, Financial Market, Marketing, Consumer Protection, Entrepreneurship Development
Tags: Classtwelve
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