Arihant NCERT Solutions Mathematics 12
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: Arihant Publication
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
NCERT Solutions Mathematics is an updated and revised edition that covers all important topics for students of class 12th. Beyond the school curriculum, the mathematical solutions in this book have also proved very useful for aspirants preparing for different competitive entrance examinations. This edition has been revised in accordance with the syllabus for 2015. Beyond detailing a step by step approach for tackling each topic, explaining difficult problems with solutions that can be approached by more than one formulae, each section also covers the different types of questions that were asked in Previous Years’ Examinations from 2008-2015. Not only that, but there are three Practice Sets that are included at the end of each section for more clarity and self analysis of the topic. By including very short answer type questions, short answer type questions, long answer type questions and value based questions, the book covers all relevant types of queries that could be asked in the upcoming examinations. Furthermore, solutions along with appropriate explanations have been given at the end for understanding each topic in further detail. Even a self assessment sheet has been included with each section that enables a student to assess his/her understanding of the topic under self-timed test conditions. In addition, the book features few CBSE Sample Question papers that do give students a better idea of what to expect about the forthcoming examination pattern. It is a complete book in itself for guiding students to get highest grades in Class 12th CBSE examination and also to prepare them for different entrance exams after higher secondary education.
Tags: Classtwelve
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