Arihant NCERT Workbook Biology Volume 2 Class 12
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: Arihant Publication
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
Description :
1. “NCERT Workbook Biology for Class 12th” is a unique resource for concepts of NCERT 2. This Practice Book is divided into 16 Chapters 3. It helps to build conceptual knowledge 4. Different types of questions are provided for thorough practice Conquering NEET requires a firm grip over NCERT concepts. More than 90% of questions asked in NEET 2019 & 2020 were based on concepts of NCERT. “NCERT Workbook Biology for Class 12th” is a unique resource to grip on the concepts of NCERT. This innovative book has 16 Chapters of biology that are written and developed keeping in mind the concepts, pattern and format of the paper. The specialty of this book is that it makes you apply conceptual knowledge in different types of questions. The concept coverage equals exactly with the required level of NEET. This matchless fun filled practice book will help NEET aspirant in gripping NCERT concepts to their maximum.
Tags: Classtwelve
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