Arihant SBI PO Phase 2 Practice Sets Main Exam
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: Arihant Experts
- Availability: In Stock
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Description :
1. SBI PO Phase I Preliminary Exam book carry 30 practice sets for the upcoming SBI PO exam. 2. Each Practice sets is prepared on the lines of online test paper 3. Previous years solved papers (2019-2015) are provided to know the paper pattern 4. Every paper is accompanied by authentic solutions. The State Bank of India (SBI) has invited applicants to recruit 2000 eligible and dynamic candidates for the posts of Probationary Officer (PO) across India. SBI PO Phase I Preliminary Exam 2020-21 (30 Practice Sets) is a perfect source for aspirants to check on their progress. Each practice set is designed exactly on the lines of latest online test pattern along with their authentic solution. Apart from concentrating on practice sets, this book also provides Solved Papers (2019-2015) right in the beginning to gain insight paper pattern and new questions. Packed with a well-organized set of questions for practice, it is a must-have tool that enhances the learning for this upcoming examination.
Tags: Banking Books, Arihant Publication
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