BMA's Talent and Olympiad Exams Resource Book for Class-5 Mathematics
- Publisher : Brain Mapping Academy
- Author: Brain Mapping Academy
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.145
Rs.135 Upto 7% off

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Preparing for any Examination calls for a lot of discipline and perseverance on the part of a student. We at Oswaal Books have always strived to be a student’s closest companion, his guiding light and his trusted friend by helpinghim sail through this important phase with utmost ease and confidence and emerge a winner!! In order to excel, a student not only has to be updated with the latest CISCE Board curriculum but also stay focused and use necessary exam tools to his advantage. CISCE has released an updated curriculum for Academic Year 2019-2020 on which Oswaal Books has based all its Exam Preparatory Material.
Tags: Olympiad, Class5, BMA's, OlympiadClass5
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