Business Communication Skills-I FYBcom FYBMS,FYBAF Sem 1 Vipul Prakashan | As Per NEP 2020
- Publisher : Vipul Prakashan
- Author: Nina Roy Choudhury
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Business Communication Skills - I FYBcom FYBMS,FYBAF Sem 1 Vipul Prakashan As Per NEP 2020 as per Academic year 2024-25 .Business Communication Skills -I has been prescribed for B.Com., B.M.S., B.A.F., etc, with effect from June 2024, in order to help contribute to the functioning and success of commercial organizations in today's interconnected world and help students become capable entrepreneurs, professionals, team-members and managers.
Tags: Business Communication Skills-I FYBcom FYBMS, FYBAF Sem 1 Vipul Prakashan, Nina Roy Choudhury, B.Com Sem 1
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