Frank ICSE Mathematics for Class 7 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Frank Bros.
- Author: B Nirmala Shastry
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Frank EMU ICSE Mathematics for Class 7 2025 edition including projects for internal assessment base on latest curriculum prescribed by the council for the Indian school certificate examination (CISCE)
Salient feature
- Simple and easy-to-understand language explains the concepts clearly and helps the leaners understand it with ease.
- Clear and concise introduction is provided for each topic with fundamental concepts and necessary formulae.
- Well-graded Exercises provide thorough practice for each topic • Revision Exercise given for additional practice.
- Let's Recall helps in recalling all the important concepts and formulae.
- Objective Type Questions for quick testing of the concepts
- Math Lab Activities help students to develop mathematical skills Puzzles and Games create interest in the subject
- Projects/Activities help the teachers in assessing the students' skill and understanding internally.
Tags: Frank ICSE Mathematics for Class 7 | Latest Edition, B Nirmala Shastry, ICSE Class 7
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