Frank New Certificate Chemistry Class 6 | 2025-26 edition
- Publisher : Frank Bros.
- Author: Ela Chowdhury
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Frank New Certificate Chemistry Class 6 Coursebooks 2025-26 edition and Workbooks for classes 6 to 8 are written in accordance with the curriculum prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE).As per Mandate Document (2022) for National Curriculum Framework (NCF)
Key Features:
• Activities, Experiments and Projects: Hands-on activities/tasks to promote science process skills
• My Question Time: A Q&A section to promote questioning and discussion skills among students
• Eco-Soldier: A section to enhance environmental awareness and familiarity with UN Sustainable Development Goals
• Myth vs Fact: Popular misconceptions explained to promote scientific and rational thinking
• Science and Scientists: Short biographical information on famous scientists
• Science Alive /Science Talk: Interesting and relevant topics to arouse curiosity and promote discussions by the students
• Reason Corner: A section to promote logical thinking which will help in deeper understanding of the topics
• Sci-Vocab: Meanings of new words as a ready reference on the same page
• Concept Recall: Graphic representation of key learning points in the form of mind maps as a ready reckoner
• Check Your Progress/Evaluation/Worksheets/Model Test Papers: Objective and subjective type questions to test the understanding of students
• Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): Challenging questions to hone problem-solving and build up analytical thinking
• Integrate: Interdisciplinary connections to make meaningful linkages across various subject areas
• Digital Resources/Virtual Tour: Video links to enhance understanding and boost research skills
• India@75: A celebration of India’s achievements in various scientific fields since independence•Learning Outcomes: List of learning-outcomes for each chapter to set the agenda for an outcome based learning
• Prepping for PISA: Comprehension-based thoughtprovoking questions to enhance understanding and logical thinking on the lines of PISA test held by OECD
Tags: Frank New Certificate Chemistry Class 6 | Latest Edition, Ela Chowdhury, ICSE Class 6
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