Grafalco Hindi Pathamala 3
- Publisher : Navneet
- Author: Grafalco
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
We are very happy to present the Grafalco Hindi Pathmaala class 3 series before you. This series is based on new education methodology, new curriculum and the principle of learning without burden.This is a series of 5 books on Hindi language recommended for grades 1 to 5.
– It is developed as per the new national education policy that emphasizes on ?Learning without Burden? through innovative teaching methods.
– It helps the child to develop language skills and aid their day to day communication.
– An answer key to the book is also available.
Tags: Grafalco Hindi Pathamala 3, Grafalco, Class-3
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