History-Themes in World History NCERT Book for Class 11
- Publisher : NCERT
- Author: NCERT
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Themes in World History Textbook in History For Class XIÂ is a textbook for class XI students that tries to facilitate a natural understanding of history for students at the Higher Secondary level. The book is authored by the Board of NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) and Shveta Uppal. It covers sections such as Early Societies, Changing Traditions, and Empires. It also has a unique chapter titled Towards Modernisation, which describes how civilisations progressed and modernised as time passed by. The book has been written to stimulate the inquisitiveness of its young readers. It manages to delve into topics of historical and cultural interest, such as the interaction of arts and literature, and their relationship with traditions of the past.
Tags: NCERT Books, CBSE, NCERT, Class11, CBSEClass11, NCERTClass11
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