Jeevandeep PPS Geography Workbook Std 10 | Perfect Practice Series
- Publisher : Jeevandeep Publications
- Author: Arihant Publication
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
We are pleased to present the Geography Workbook for Std. X. The book has been prepared based on the new syllabus for Std X effective from 2018 onward.
This workbook will be of a great help to the students of Std. X. The students are advised to read the textbook thoroughly before attempting to solve this workbook. This workbook will help in systematic study of the subject. Each chapter is structured as per the new evaluation scheme and the paper pattern. Thought provoking in-text questions have been included. Additional questions are given for overall coverage of the chapter. Sufficient space has been allotted for writing the answers. With the help of this workbook, the students will be able to create their own self-study material. We are sure that this book will be a boon to the students and would help them enhance their learning skills and understanding of the subject.
The teachers of Geography can play a major role in inculcating the skills of answering questions among the students. The teachers should initiate the students to get the answers on their own as far as possible. Suggestions for the improvement of this workbook from teachers are welcome.
Tags: Classten, Jeevandeepbook, Class10