Modern ABC of Biology for CBSE Class 12 Part 1 and 2 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Modern Publishers
- Author: B.B. Arora ,A.K. Sabharwal
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Authored by Dr. B.B. Arora and A.K. Sabharwal, this Mod ABC Plus of Biology textbook remains the favourite among teachers and students alike. Ideal for the students of class 12 to prepare for their school final examination, these handbooks come in a set of two volumes. It completely covers all the topics and chapters that are a part of the NCERT books. Besides, it adheres to the syllabus and guidelines that have been laid out by the CBSE. Published by Modern Publishers, it also comes with enriched content that will let the students have a firm idea about the elementary concepts of Biology.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class12, CBSEClass12, CBSE, Modern
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