Modern ABC of Physics for CBSE Class 11 Part 1 and 2 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Modern Publishers
- Author: Uttam Narayan Tripathi
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
We are pleased to present the revied edition of our textbooks ebtitle 'Modern 's abs + PHYSICS' to all those teachers and student who are engaged in teaching and studying XII class of CBSE and various state Educational Boards. This textbook has been compiled according to the latest syllabus. Other important features of this book are: 1. NCERT Textbook questions solved. 2. NCERT Exenplar problems solved. 3. Value based questions solved. 4. Hots questions. 5. Solved abjective type questions which have been categorized into the following categories: A. Multiple choice questions. B. Fill in the blanks. C. Match the words/sentences. D. Solved very short answer questions. This 'SMART BOOK' is being presented after microscopic revision. Each and every word has been read with utmost care. Being a smart book, it is incorporated with "NYTRA", which is the first augmented reality app. for k-12 Education in India. NYTRA will facilitate the readers to understand the basics and the alligorical background of the subject matter very easily and clearly with the help of different laminations
Tags: Ref.Book, Class11, CBSEClass11, CBSE,
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