Dhanpat Rai Publications Move Fast With Psychology Class 12 by Chandana Bhandari
- Publisher : Dhanpat Rai Publications
- Author: Chandana Bhandari
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

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Dhanpat Rai Publications Move fast with psychology for Class 12 edition 2024
content:- 1. Variations in psychological attributes 2. Self and Personality 3. Human strengths and meeting list challenges 4. Psychological disorders 5. Therapeutic approaches and Counselling 6. Attitude and social cognition 7. Social influence and Group processes 8. Psychology and life 9. Developing psychological skill and their application.
Tags: Move Fast With Psychology Class 12 by Chandana Bhandari, Chandana Bhandari, CBSE Class 12
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