MTG Olympiad Prep-Guide Mathematics Class 3
- Publisher : MTG
- Author: Mtg Editorial Board
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.215
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Description :
MTG’s IMO Olympiad Prep-Guide Mathematics class 3 is an SOF Olympiad preparatory book uniquely designed to assist the students who are aspiring to sit for SOF- International Mathematics Olympiad exam session 2024-25. The Olympiad Prep Guide for Mathematics eloquently covers all that you need to study for levels 1 & 2 SOF- Mathematics Olympiad. The book is the best source to enhance a student’s understanding of Mathematical concepts and exceptions with the help of explanatory examples and exercises. To familiarize you with the latest exam trends, the latest 2023 papers have been inculcated in a chapter-wise manner.
Tags: MTG Olympiad Prep-Guide Mathematics Class 3, Mtg Editorial Board, Olympiad Class 3
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