Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS Chemistry for NEET-AIIMS | Latest Edition
- Publisher : MTG
- Author: MTG
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- Rs.765
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Description :
Objective NCERT at your Fingertips - Chemistry; is an unparalleled book to let you learn NCERT at your fingertips. This book is designed as per the fact that most of the questions asked in PMTs/PETs are from Chemistry NCERT books (11th and 12th). It gives chapter-wise, student-friendly synopses for quick-and-easy revision of important concepts, topic-wise MCQs aligned with NCERT content to check your progress, Huge variety of MCQs extracted and derived from NCERT textbooks, HOTS MCQs and figure-based MCQs to boost concepts, NCERT exemplar MCQs, Assertion and Reason questions are included for an edge in your AIIMS/JEE preparation and 6 Practice Papers are given for self-assessment. It possesses 100 MCQs chapter-wise in an average to guarantee the complete revision of NCERT Chemistry. This book also gives an advantage to gauze your progress with Preparation Meter.
Tags: Objective NCERT at your FINGERTIPS Chemistry for NEET-AIIMS | Latest Edition, MTG, NEET
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