Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice Workbookby Anita Arathoon
- Publisher : Evergreen Publication
- Author: Anita Arathoon
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice Workbook by Anita Arathoon
Books Description
The CBSE has prescribed some long reading texts - fiction (novels) and non-fiction - for classes 9, 10, 11 & 12. Published by Evergreen, these texts keep in view the examination needs of the students in every way.They are self-sufficient with original texts and the necessary supporting material.
- Introduction to the author
- Brief summary of the text before the original text is given
- Chapter-wise brief summaries, important questions on incidents on each chapter are given
- Assignments for self-evaluation along with the support material
Tags: Ref.Book, Class9, ICSEClass9, ICSE, Evergreen
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