Ratna Sager Text Book of Physical Education Class 12 CBSE | 2025 Edition
- Publisher : Ratna Sagar
- Author: Dr Jogiswar Goswami
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
A Textbook of Physical Education for Class12 (include Competency based Question) is a series of two books written in strict conformity with the latest syllabus prescribed by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Each book of this series has been carefully planned to make it student-friendly. The text has been presented in an interesting, understandable and enjoyable manner. The books are not just a simple narration of facts; rather there is an attempt to link physical, social, emotional, nutritional, financial, intellectual and environmental factors that together enhance the overall wellness of an individual.
Sallent Features :- Comprehensive coverage of all the topics given in the latest syllables
- Each game includes its history, latest rules, playing field and equipment, terminology fundamental skills, important venues, personalities, tournaments and award winners.
- The game or the sport has been explained in an easy and lucid language for better understanding of the game and the related concepts.
- Variety of viva voce questions that allows interactive discussion.
- A summary at the end of each chapter provides a quick recap of the Important concepts learnt.
- Large-sized photographs, illustrations, and diagrams of playing fields make the games a hands-on experience as they take the learner on a virtual tour.
Tags: Text Book of Physical Education Class 12 CBSE | Latest Edition, Dr Jogiswar Goswami, CBSE Class 12
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