Business Studies for CBSE Class 11 by Poonam Gandhi |Latest Edition
- Publisher : VK Publication
- Author: Poonam Gandhi
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Description :
Business Studies for CBSE Class 11 by Poonam Gandhi is a comprehensive textbook that covers all the fundamental concepts and theories of business studies. The book is specifically designed for students studying business studies in Class 11 of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) curriculum.
The book is divided into two parts: Part A- Foundation of Business and Part B- Business Finance and Marketing. The first part, Foundation of Business, covers topics such as nature and purpose of business, forms of business organization, and business environment. The second part, Business Finance and Marketing, covers topics such as financial management, marketing management, and e-business.
Book - Business Studies Class 11 (2023-24)
Author - Poonam Gandhi
Binding - Paperback
Publishing Date - 2023
Edition - 2023
Number of Pages - 436
Language - English
Tags: Ref.Book, Class11, CBSEClass11, CBSE, VK