Frank ISC Economics Class 11 by D K Sethi |Latest Edition
- Publisher : Frank Bros.
- Author: D.K Sethi and U.Andrews
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Frank ISC economics for Class 11 revised according to the syllabus for and after year 2025 has been revised and updated in strict conformity with the the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations for ISC Examinations to be held in and after 2024.It deals in detail with
- Economic problems and working of economic systems
- Issues of economic growth and sustainable development
- Planning and economic development in India
- Policy of liberalization, privatization and globalization of Indian economy
- Current challenges facing the Indian economy such as poverty, rural development, unemployment and human capital formation Statistical analysis and statistical tools such as collection, organization and presentation of data, measures of central value and dispersion, correlations and index numbers
Tags: Ref.Book, Class11, ISCClass11, ISC, FrankBro
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