ISC Economics class 11 by Dr. Abhijit Das and Dr. Kalyan Basu
- Publisher : S.Chand
- Author: Dr. Abhijit Das and Dr. Kalyan Basu
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
ISC Economics class 11 by Dr. Abhijit Das and Dr. Kalyan Basu S Chand's ISC Economics for Class as per 2026 Syllabus has been revised strictly according to the latest syllabus prescribed by Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi. Each book of this series is enriched with economic explanation of both Micro and Macro Economic Theories, with practical examples, diagrams, mathematical formulae, derivations and numerical sums both solved and unsolved.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class11, ISCClass11, ISC, S.Chand
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