Operation Research TYBMS Sem 6 Manan Prakashan
- Publisher : Manan Prakashan
- Author: P M Saraph
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
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Description :
Operation Research TYBMS Sem 6 Manan Prakashan as per new syllabus of Mumbai university.To help students to understand operations research methodologies To help students to solve various problems practically To make students proficient in case analysis and interpretation
1. Introduction to Operations Research and Linear Programming (15 Lectures)
(a) Introduction To Operations Research
Operations Research – Definition, Characteristics of OR, Models, OR Techniques, Areas of Application, Limitations of OR
(b) Linear Programming Problems : Introduction and Formulation
♦ Introduction to Linear Programming
♦ Applications of LP
♦ Components of LP
♦ Requirements for Formulation of LP Problem
♦ Assumptions Underlying Linear Programming
♦ Steps in Solving LP Problems
♦ LPP Formulation (Decision Variables, Objective Function, Constraints, Non Negativity Constraints)
(c) Linear Programming Problems : Graphical Method
♦ Maximization & Minimization Type Problems (Max. Z & Min. Z)
♦ Two Decision Variables and Maximum Three Constraints Problem
♦ Constraints can be “less than or equal to”, “greater than or equal to” or a combination of both the types i.e. Mixed Constraints
♦ Concepts : Feasible Region of Solution, Unbounded Solution, Redundant Constraint, Infeasible Solution, Alternative Optima
(d) Linear Programming Problems : Simplex Method
♦ Only Maximization Type Problems (Only Max. Z). No Minimization Problems (No Min. Z) Numericals on Degeneracy in Maximization Simplex Problems
♦ Two or Three Decision Variables and Maximum Three Constraints Problem (Up to Maximum Two Iterations)
♦ All Constraints to be “less than or equal to” Constraints (“Greater than or Equal to” Constraints not included)
♦ Concepts : Slack Variables, Surplus Variables, Artificial Variables, Duality, Product Mix and Profit, Feasible and Infeasible Solution, Unique or Alternate Optimal Solution, Degeneracy, Non-Degenerate, Shadow Prices of Resources, Scarce and Abundant Resources, Utilized and Unutilized Capacity of Resources, Percentage Utilization of Resources, Decision for Introduction of a New Product.
1. Surplus Variable, Artificial Variable and Duality to be covered only at Conceptual level for Theory Questions only and not included in Numerical.
2. Sensitivity Analysis including Profit Range and Capacity Range is not included.2. Assignment and Transportation Models (15 Lectures)
(a) Assignment Problem – Hungarian Method
♦ Maximization & Minimization Type Problems
♦ Balanced and Unbalanced Problems
♦ Prohibited Assignment Problems, Unique or Multiple Optimal Solutions
♦ Simple Formulation of Assignment Problems
♦ Maximum 5 x 5 Matrix. Up to Maximum Two Iterations after Row and Column Minimization
Tags: Operation Research TYBMS Sem 6 Manan Prakashan, P M Saraph, BMS Sem 6