Upkar Maharashtra B.Ed Common Entrance Test CET | latest Edition
- Publisher : Upkar Prakashan
- Author: Upkar Prakashan
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Upkar Maharashtra B.Ed Common Entrance Test CEThas been revised carefully to guideaspirants who are preparing for it. It is designed on the basis of the latest syllabus of the exam.At the beginning, it facilitates model solved paper to give an idea of the overall pattern of theexam including time-frame, number of questions, answering pattern and more. Later, it coverskey subjects of Mental Ability, General Knowledge, Teacher Aptitude, ELCT (English LanguageContent Test to get selected for English Medium Colleges) and Current Affairs. Devoid ofirrelevant topics and filled with exam-specific contents, written in a simple language, this bookis a perfect guide for anyone who is gearing up for MAH B.Ed. CET.
Tags: Upkar Maharashtra B.Ed Common Entrance Test CET | latest Edition, Upkar Prakashan, Teachers
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