Marketing Management SYBcom Sem 3 Manan Prakashan
- Publisher : Manan Prakashan
- Author: Michael Vaz, Meeta Seta
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Marketing Management Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai University for B.Com (Bachelor of commerce) 2nd Year semester 3 published by Manan Prakashan. The knowledge gained through the study of this subject will be useful to the students of all through their in Management professional lives.
Module – I : Marketing Management and Marketing Environment
♦ Marketing Management: Definition, need and importance of marketing management
♦ Functions of marketing management
♦ Micro and macro environment with specific reference to India
♦ Emerging marketing opportunities in India-Marketing to the bottom of the pyramid, growing middle class
♦ International marketing environmentModule – II : Understanding Competition and Strategic Marketing
♦ Marketing Strategy : Definition and Features
♦ Steps in Strategic marketing planning process
♦ SWOT Analysis
♦ Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model
♦ Analysing CompetitionModule – III : Product
♦ Definition, Product Levels-Customer Value Hierarchy
♦ Product Classifications: Based on durability and tangibility, Consumer goods classification and Industrial goods classification
♦ Product Life Cycle: Stages and Features of each stage
♦ Product Positioning: Meaning and importance
♦ Steps in product positioningModule – IV : Pricing
♦ Meaning and objectives of pricing
♦ Factors affecting pricing decisions
♦ Methods of pricing: Mark-up pricing, Target-Return pricing, Perceived-Value pricing, Value pricing, Going-Rate pricing and Auction pricing
♦ Steps in Pricing